Flow Chart of Proto Sample Development in Apparel Industry

Proto sample:
Proto sample is the first sample in production development stage in apparel industry. It is prepared according to the buyer’s specification. This type of sample is designed by the designers. Fit and fabric detailing is not considered in this sample.

Fig: Proto Sample Development

All of the above parameters are discussed shortly:

Program Received from Buyer:
First step of proto sample development is program receive from buyer. Buyer gives us a tech pack to develop a proto sample. We collect all the details from buyer regarding development program.

Personal Stud y on Tech Pack
After receiving program we have to study on it. Because of to check whether we are capable to develop a proto sample, to check how much requirement of buyer and how much we have.

Meeting with Internal Team
After case study on tech pack then arrange a meeting with internal team who involved in this development program. In this meeting to discussed how much important this program and what is the dead line also discussed we are capable or not for this program.

Advice for pattern Making
After complete a meeting now advice a team to make a pattern for program.

Sourcing Raw materials
According to buyer requirement source raw materials from the supplier. For sourcing we have to send mail to supplier with attaching all the details. Such as brand name, style no, color, fabrication details, fabric description etc.

After Receiving Raw Materials Send to Sample Section
After receiving raw materials send to sample section for make a proto sample. It is responsibility of merchandiser to keep communication with sample section. So that, the sample make in time and better quality.

Now fabric send to cutting section for cut the fabric according to pattern. Cutting is one of the major process in proto sample development program.

If buyer has any requirement of printing or artwork then its place on right place. This process is called artwork placement.

All the parts of a garment are joined here to make a complete garment. Sewing process is done by manually.

Washing (If Needed)
If buyer wants any washing in sample we have to apply it.

Finishing and QC
After washing we will get a complete garment which is treated with steam ironing & also several finishing processes are done for example extra loose thread cutting etc.

Tagging is very important in proto sample development program because if we do not keep tagging against each style it is possible to mix with other style.

According to buyer requirement packing all the garments.

Send to Buyer
After complete all the process now send the sample to buyer and waiting for approval.


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