Production planning is the very important department in garments industry. Production planning is the controlling aspect of garments industry. It is involves everything & every task in the process to execution the delivery of goods within time frame. So, production planning is the controlling of production & manufacturing process determined by time frame. Planning department plan every style to execution the order within time limit. Without time frame garment cannot sustain so garment industry must follow every task by scheduling. Each order has a delivery date & production plan department follow production plan on the base of delivery date. They know when fabric & trims in-house in factory will. Basically some of fabric & trims come from Local & internationally .So, they plan both option on the base of delivery date. A buyer can judgment by shipment percentage & where the vendor current position? So production planning department must follow some of the important tasks in the following.

-Capacity planning.
-Time & Action (TNA)
-PP meeting.
-Order Allocation.
-Man power & M/C allocation.
-Execution Of every tasks.
-Materials planning & In-house follow up.
-Delivery Meet.

-Capacity planning:
Production planning department make production capacity of a factory because capacity determined need order or not. If order capacity is full whole the year then do not take over capacity order because it is needed over cost to make extra capacity order. On the other hand, if capacity order is not full then take more order to fill the capacity otherwise factory will be loser by financing. Production planning department must be inform forecast capacity order to merchandisers & management so they can inform to buyer for order.

Time & Action: 
Planning department must follow every style as per schedule. Every order has own time frame & meet delivery time. Every style follow product development to shipment. It is job task for planning department otherwise they cannot meet delivery as per plan schedule. So, Planning department take action very style follow up within time & Action calendar.

Production planning department take decision when a style input into line. On the schedule they cheek fabric & trims with store department & Merchandising department. If get on time in-house every items they can input into line. on the other hand if not get fabric & trims on time they can change line plan to reduce the cost.

-PP Meeting:
Production planning department cheek particular style fabric & trims status with store & merchandising department. If every items & approval is done then they co-operation with all related department like as Merchandising, Production, store, cutting, Finishing, quality & buyer representative to make clear understanding for particular style for production. Before PP meeting they can cheek all approval, production file, trim card & ready size set.

-Order allocation:
Planning department does line allocation for every style. When got any order from buyer they must allocation line plan. Without line plan an order cannot smoothly run for production. So order allocation is very important for planning department.

-Man power & M/C allocation:
Production planning department take decision how many operators need for particular style to output. They can take decision line layout for a particular style. And also take decision how many machine need to operate the line. Then they can take effective decision for productivity for particular style.

-Execution of tasks:
Planning department must be execution every task for effective planning. Without effective execution it cannot smoothly production. So they must execution every style planning order placement to shipment.

-Materials planning & In-house:
Planning department must follow up the fabric & trims follow up with store & merchandising department so they can pre-plan to effective line planning date.

-Delivery Date:
Production planning department must follow delivery date of a garments. If not maintain the garments delivery on time it will be loser planning & fall down of a company. So, every style maintain meet the garments delivery. So, they can take effective decision for garments delivery.