Dimensional Stability to Washing

Dimensional stability:
Dimensional stability is the vital characteristics of a fabric. It is required to confirm about the dimensional stability of a dyed fabric. The measured dimensional stability of a fabric determines whether a fabric has the potential to retain its original shape and remain stable, indicating it will not bubble or sag over time, when applied over a substrate, and its suitability for a specified use.

Method : BS EN ISO 3759:1995, BS EN ISO 6330:2001

Purpose : To determine the changes in dimension and appearance of fabrics and garments to specific cleansing procedures.

Marker pens (texpen, dalo or laundry pen)
Calibrated steel rules of appropriate lengths graduated in cm and mm.
Calibrated tape measure.
Ballast (Polyester make weights 200*200 mm).
Wascator washing machine.
Domestic tumble dryer.
Elna press (or similler).
Domestic steam iron.
Non Phosphate Detergent A, Sodium Perborate and TAED in a 77:20:3 ratio.
Specimen Preparation and Measurement:
Cut a fabric specimen 500*500 mm with the edges parallel to the length and width of the fabric. A template can be employed to assist this preparation, on these occasions align one vertical edge parallel to the length threads (ends).
Mark three pairs of reference marks in the length direction and three pairs in the width direction of the specimen such that each pair is approximately 350 mm apart (See the Diagram Below). Do not cut specimens closer than 50 mm to a selvedge or cut edge. Mark the warp (length) direction in the top left hand corner.
Lay the specimen flat and without stretching measure the distance between each pair of reference marks to the nearest mm.
Record each measurement in order L1, L2, L3, W1, W2, and W3.
Over lock all four sides of the specimen to prevent fraying,
For woven crinkle fabrics two 500 mm square specimens with reference marks 350 mm apart, measure the distance between the marks as in 2.1.3. Over lock the two pieces of fabric together down both length sides and over lock open both ends of tube of fabric, to prevent fraying. This preparation is to assist ironing which is a general requirement of woven crinkle fabrics.

Re-measurement and Appearance Assessment:
After the appropriate cleansing and drying procedure lay the specimen flat and without stretching, preferably in a conditioned atmosphere for a minimum of 4 hours (wool products 16 hours).
After conditioning the sample measure the distance between each pair of reference marks.
Record the appropriate measurement alongside the original measurement.


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