
Showing posts from April, 2018

Ozone wash

What is ozone wash? Ozone is oxygen (O2) with an extra atom of oxygen attached, thus forming O3. Ozone is formed naturally during a lightning storm. The creation of ozone is nature’s way of purifying the atmosphere, and is what gives clothesline dried linen that ‘‘fresh air’’ smell. Introducing our latest ozone technology - Ozone Denim Systems (ODS)! These are the world's first industrial grade dry ozone garment processing machines. With the most reliable performance and results we have systems for any type of commercial textile application. Our new patented systems utilize ‘earth friendly’ ozone in place of bleach, hot water, and even water in general; and allow us to help you produce sustainable unique quality denim. Ozone denim processing is the wave of the future because of its superior sustainable qualities. Our Ozone Denim Systems are custom designed and built to exacting unique specifications for each facility as necessary. With worker safety first and foremost in mind


Denim fashion rarely fades out; it is a perspective of a ‘Fashion Garment’. There is a wide variety of different denim fabrics like Vintage denim,  Black Denim, Khadi Denim and many others. As there are different fabrics there are different washes given to create personified look like bleached wash, dark wash, stone wash and many others. Manufacturers utilized the situation by coming up with innovative designs like new colours, embroidery and patch work. Denim washes are basically of two types, Mechanical Wash and Chemical Wash. While there are many different processes used to finish fabrics, the most common ones used on denim include singeing, scouring, bleaching, desizing, mercerizing, sanforizing, and bio-polishing, each designed to accomplish a specific goal. Besides giving these essential finishes there are some additional finishes which can be given to change the look of the fabric Diifferent Washes And Finishes Of Denim Stone Wash:  There they throw a 20-yard roll of fabric

Common Problems/Causes and Remedies in Enzymatic Desizing

Desizing: The purpose of a desizing process is to remove sizes that have been attached to warp yarns during a weaving process. Prior to the desizing process, therefore, the size analysis should be performed in order to set desizing conditions suitable for the sizes. Desizing Methods: Different methods of desizing are: A desizing method is selected on the basis of analysis of size , type of fabric , eco friendliness , ease of removal , cost of desizing and effluent treatment. Different methods of desizing are: 1. Enzymatic desizing 2. Oxidative desizing 3. Acid steeping 4. Rot steeping 5. Desizing with hot caustic soda treatment, and 6. Hot washing with detergents. The most commonly used methods for cotton are enzymatic desizing. This desizing process consists of three main steps: application of the enzyme, digestion of the starch and removal of the digestion products. The common components of an enzymatic desizing bath are as follows: 1. Amylase enzyme 2. pH stabilise

Dimensional Stability to Washing

Dimensional stability: Dimensional stability is the vital characteristics of a fabric. It is required to confirm about the dimensional stability of a dyed fabric. The measured dimensional stability of a fabric determines whether a fabric has the potential to retain its original shape and remain stable, indicating it will not bubble or sag over time, when applied over a substrate, and its suitability for a specified use. Method : BS EN ISO 3759:1995, BS EN ISO 6330:2001 Purpose : To determine the changes in dimension and appearance of fabrics and garments to specific cleansing procedures. Apparatus: Marker pens (texpen, dalo or laundry pen) Calibrated steel rules of appropriate lengths graduated in cm and mm. Calibrated tape measure. Ballast (Polyester make weights 200*200 mm). Wascator washing machine. Domestic tumble dryer. Elna press (or similler). Domestic steam iron. Non Phosphate Detergent A, Sodium Perborate and TAED in a 77:20:3 ratio. Specimen Preparation and

Denim Wet Processing: Importance of Blanket Wash

Introduction: XYZ company was not able to find out the reason for many color shade, from garment to garment of denim kids top, although the fabric were from the same supplier, method of production were same and wet processing recipe and cycle time were same for entire garment. After consultation with professionals, company came to know the major lacking in method called ‘blanket test’. Color shade/ lot management through blanket of denim rolls swatch: Denim is basically twill weaves fabric and strength of fabric (ounce) is determined through yarn count and kind of yarn used in constructing the fabric. Grey twill fabric is coated through dark pigment color (dyes) and through wet processing desired faded color shade of final product occurs. Denim wet processing is very technical process and for desired effect on garment - chemical recipe, method, cycle time and kind of machinery required is decided and arranged before mass process start. If, on common recipe all the garments, which

Flow Chart of Proto Sample Development in Apparel Industry

Proto sample: Proto sample is the first sample in production development stage in apparel industry. It is prepared according to the buyer’s specification. This type of sample is designed by the designers. Fit and fabric detailing is not considered in this sample. Fig: Proto Sample Development All of the above parameters are discussed shortly: Program Received from Buyer: First step of proto sample development is program receive from buyer. Buyer gives us a tech pack to develop a proto sample. We collect all the details from buyer regarding development program. Personal Stud y on Tech Pack After receiving program we have to study on it. Because of to check whether we are capable to develop a proto sample, to check how much requirement of buyer and how much we have. Meeting with Internal Team After case study on tech pack then arrange a meeting with internal team who involved in this development program. In this meeting to discussed how much important this program and wha

Types of Samples Required for Garments Export Order

Introduction: Sampling is one of the most important processes in garments industry which has a vital role in attracting the buyers. Normally buyers are placed an order after satisfying with the quality of samples. As its importance on garments industry, today I will discuss about the different kinds of sample used for completing an order. You may follow 7 Factors to Consider After Receiving Apparel Export Order Different Types of Garments Samples Types of Samples Required for Completing a Garments Order: There are mainly eight types of sample needed for completing a garment order. Those ares- Proto sample, Fit sample, Size set sample, Counter sample, Salesman sample (SMS), Pre-production sample (PPS), Top over production sample (TOP), Shipment sample. All the above garments samples are discussed in the below: 1. Proto sample: It is the very first sample given into the buyer. It is prepared according to the buyer’s specification. It is a trial sample prepared on

What are the Reasons for Delay in Garment Washing & Finishing? [Q&A]

1. R&D is not done for washing Washing process is very critical one. To get exact hand feel and washed look after washing as per requirement you have to follow right method. So, for each and every new product (or fabrics) factories need to do R&D to define correct recipe and washing cycles. If a factory don’t follow it, rewashing may be required for whole garments. And reprocessing makes delay in washing. 2. Delay in approvals Many times it is found that fishing department does not get approvals of some trims and specific method. Without approval of such things finishing process become slower that causes delay finishing process. These approval delays may be from internal departments (merchants or quality assurance) both for washing and finishing. 3. Don't have capacity as per order Both in washing and finishing you need to plan production as per your process capacity. If your washing capacity is less than the required capacity, washing of the order would be getting