Garments Washing Defects

Garments washing is the process to improve hand feel, appearance and better outlook of garments. That’s why washing plays a vital role in garments manufacturing. Because of various washing defect, rejection of garments increases. We need to reduce the rate of washing defects/faults at a minimum level. Rejection increases the cost of overall manufacturing. For this reason, reducing washing faults is the major concern for all apparel manufacturing industry. One major KPI points areto reduce washing rejection in the apparelindustry. I made a list of all types of garments washing defects so that you may have a betteridea of garments defects.

  1. Garments Discoloration
  2. Poor Hand Sanding
  3. Care Label Fading/Damage
  4. Off Shade
  5. Shade Variation
  6. Over Washing
  7. Washing Damage
  8. Washing Spot
  9. High pH Level
  10. Poor Grinding
  11. Lycra Out
  12. Poor Sand Blasting
  13. High Abrasion Effect
  14. Color Bleeding at Pocket Bag and Label
  15. Washing Mark
  16. Poor Hand Feel
Washed Garments

Washing Defect Description

Garments Discoloration

If garments or any parts of garments discolored in washing it’s called discoloration. It is one of the common defect problems.
Garments Discoloration

Poor Hand Sanding

Because of improper hand sanding, more or less hand sanding than the actual requirement.
Hand Sanding

Care Label Fading or Damage

Care label is an important part of garments. Sometimes label fades or damage in washing.

Off shade

All garments have an original buyer required shade/color standard. If washing fails to meet shade standard then it is considered as off shade defect.
Off Shade Washing Defects

Shade Variation

Various types of shade in a lot, when fabrication and washing are the same for a whole lot.
Shade Variation Defects

Over Washing

There a certain limit of garments washing time and temperature. Crossing washing limit is considered as over washing and defects have arisen for this is known washing defects of over washing.

Washing Damage

Garments damage in washing is called washing damage.
Washing Damage

Washing Spot

Creating a spot in washing is called washing spot defect.

High pH Level

pH level crossed the level of higher pH limit. pH level is the most important factor in garments washing. For higher level, pH quality of garments may reduce.

Poor Grinding

Because of improper grinding, more or less grinding than the requirement.

Lycra Out

Damage Lycra or Lycra coming out in the washing of spandex fabric.

Poor Sand Blasting

Improper sandblasting, more or less sandblasting than the requirement.

High Abrasion Effect

Much abrasion effect than the requirement.

Color Bleeding at Pocket Bag and Label

Generally, different fabric uses for a pocket bag and labels in any garments. Due to garments body, fabric and pocket bag fabric is different, color bleeding occurred frequently in pocket bag and label.

Washing Mark

Garments marked in different washing stages, by the different washing machine, dryer. Long spot mark created in any process of washing is called washing mark defects.

Washing MarkPoor hand Feel

If you find Rough hand feels after washing of garments then that considered as a poor hand feel defects of garments washing.